摄影师谢丽尔·亚历山大(Cheryl Alexander)的狼照片用于狩猎广告,在不列颠哥伦比亚省引发了65k签名的反对猎狼的请愿书。 Photographer Cheryl Alexander's wolf photo used for hunting ad, sparks 65k-signature petition against wolf hunting in British Columbia.
摄影师谢丽尔·亚历山大(Cheryl Alexander)发现她的加拿大海狼Takaya的照片被Terminus Mountain Outfitters用于猎狼广告。 Photographer Cheryl Alexander discovered her photo of Canadian sea wolf Takaya was used by Terminus Mountain Outfitters for wolf hunting advertisements. Alexander和当地保护团体在不列颠哥伦比亚省提出禁止猎狼的请愿,收到超过65 000个签名。 Alexander and local conservation groups initiated a petition for a ban on wolf hunting in British Columbia, receiving over 65,000 signatures. Takaya的形象在2020年死前, 已成为人类与野生生物共存的象征。 Takaya's image had become a symbol of coexistence between humans and wildlife before his death in 2020.