前Rubaga师RCC Burora敦促出于安全考虑暂停坎帕拉的反腐败游行。 Former Rubaga Division RCC Burora urges a temporary halt to anti-corruption march in Kampala due to security concerns.
前Rubaga师RCC Herbert Anderson Burora敦促坎帕拉的反腐败游行者出于安全考虑暂时停止向议会的游行。 Former Rubaga Division RCC Herbert Anderson Burora urges anti-corruption marchers in Kampala to temporarily halt their march to Parliament due to security concerns. 他警告当局在示威中安放罪犯,可能使该运动名誉扫地。 He warns that authorities may discredit the movement by planting criminals in the demonstrations. 布罗拉的呼吁旨在确保抗议者的安全并保护他们事业的完整性。 Burora's call aims to ensure protester safety and protect the integrity of their cause.