由于演员健康问题,昆士兰剧院取消了整个为期三周的喜剧《POTUS》。 Queensland Theatre cancels entire three-week run of comedy POTUS due to cast health issues.
昆士兰剧院取消整个为期三周的喜剧POTUS, Queensland Theatre cancels entire three-week run of comedy POTUS due to health issues affecting cast members. 剧情是美国剧作家塞琳娜·菲林格 (Selina Fillinger) 写的,剧情围绕着一个虚构的美国总统的职员,原定于6月24日至7月11日播出. The show, written by US playwright Selina Fillinger, revolves around the staff of a fictional US president and had been scheduled to run from June 24 to July 11. 由于演员病, 剧院的开幕晚会最初被推迟, 昆士兰剧院董事会现在通过社交媒体和电子邮件向门票持有者宣布取消. The production's opening night was initially postponed due to cast illness, and Queensland Theatre's Board has now announced the cancellation on social media and via email to ticket holders.