一名73岁的妇女在巴斯被捕, 涉嫌在7月29日给人注射有害物质, 一名被送往医院. 73-year-old woman arrested in Bath on suspicion of administering a noxious substance on 29 July, one hospitalized.
七十三岁的妇女因涉嫌在巴斯7月29日给人注射不明有害物质而被捕;多人因被迫拿着塑料袋而生病. 73-year-old woman arrested on suspicion of administering unknown noxious substance in Bath on 29 July; multiple people fell ill after being approached with a plastic bag. 一名住院,后来出院。 One hospitalized, later discharged. Avon和Somerset警方认为这是孤立事件,没有故意伤害。 Avon and Somerset Police consider it an isolated incident, no intentional harm. 在调查中被释放的妇女,进一步调查仍在进行中。 Woman released under investigation, further enquiries ongoing. 在应急服务反应期间设置了Cordon。 Cordon in place during emergency services response.