来自印度阿格拉的24岁的Roop Kishore在一次土地纠纷事件中被活埋幸存下来。 24-year-old Roop Kishore from Agra, India survived being buried alive in a land dispute incident.
来自印度阿格拉的24岁的Roop Kishore在土地纠纷升级为四名男子的袭击和勒死后被活埋。 24-year-old Roop Kishore from Agra, India survived being buried alive after a land dispute escalated into assault and strangulation by four men. 埋在他们的农场, 流浪狗在挖掘现场使他复活, 他走到当地人那里, 他们把他送往医院. Buried on their farm, stray dogs digging at the site revived him, and he walked to locals who took him to the hospital. 警察正在寻找逃避逮捕的四名被告Ankit、Gaurav、Karan和Akash。 The police are searching for the four accused, Ankit, Gaurav, Karan, and Akash, who have evaded arrest.