25岁的Reginald Adams 被判22个月监禁,罪名是黑入妇女Snapchat账户,偷窃和分享清晰的图像。 25-year-old Reginald Adams sentenced to 22 months in prison for hacking women's Snapchat accounts, stealing explicit images, and sharing them.
来自宾夕法尼亚州钱伯堡的25岁的Reginald “Reggie” Adams因黑入多个妇女Snapchat账户、偷盗私人、性露骨图像并与他人分享这些图像,被判处22个月监禁和3年有监督的释放。 25-year-old Reginald "Reggie" Adams, from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, has been sentenced to 22 months in prison and three years of supervised release for hacking into multiple women's Snapchat accounts, stealing private, sexually explicit images, and sharing them with others. 他假扮成Snapchat官员,欺骗受害者提供账户安全代码。 He posed as a Snapchat official to trick victims into providing account security codes. Adams曾于1月30日对一项电线欺诈指控认罪。 Previously, Adams had pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud on January 30.