59岁的Marty Kedian是Haverhill的居民,在亚利桑那州的Mayo诊所接受了罕见的喉移植手术,这是喉癌患者临床试验的一部分。 59-year-old Marty Kedian, a Haverhill resident, received a rare larynx transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona as part of a clinical trial for larynx cancer patients.
59岁的Marty Kedian, Haverhill居民,在亚利桑那州Mayo诊所接受罕见的宫颈移植后返回家园。 59-year-old Marty Kedian, a Haverhill resident, has returned home after receiving a rare larynx transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Kedian十年前被确诊患有宫颈癌,作为临床试验的一部分,接受了这一程序,以探索如何恢复那些受损或被移除的宫颈癌患者的声音。 Kedian, diagnosed with larynx cancer a decade ago, underwent the procedure as part of a clinical trial exploring ways to restore voices to those with damaged or removed larynxes. 他的声音虽然没有完全恢复,但可以辨认出来,他计划倡导扩大这一改变生活程序。 His voice, though not fully restored, is recognizable, and he plans to advocate for expanding access to this life-changing procedure.