白宫国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)讨论了自冷战时代以来最大规模的美俄囚犯交换,该交换释放了在俄罗斯的美国公民。 White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan discussed the largest US-Russia prisoner exchange since the Cold War era, which freed American citizens in Russia.
白宫国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)在讨论释放被拘留在俄罗斯的美国公民的历史性囚犯交换时哽咽着流下了眼泪。 White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan choked back tears while discussing the historic prisoner swap that freed American citizens detained in Russia. 这是自冷战以来美俄最大规模的战俘交换。 This marked the largest US-Russia prisoner exchange since the Cold War era. 沙利文的情感叙述强调了各方为促进囚犯释放所做的合作工作,包括德国、波兰、斯洛文尼亚、挪威和土耳其的领导人。 Sullivan's emotional account highlighted the collaborative work of various parties to facilitate the prisoners' release, including the leaders of Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, and Turkey.