美国第五 上诉法院巡回法院在根据《投票权法》重新划分选区的案件中,扭转了少数群体联盟的形成。 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reverses coalition formation for minority groups in redistricting cases under the Voting Rights Act.
美国第五 5th U.S. 巡回上诉法院扭转了一个数十年的先例,允许不同的少数群体根据《投票权法》组成联盟,重新划分案件区域。 Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a decades-old precedent allowing distinct minority groups to form coalitions in redistricting cases under the Voting Rights Act. 这项裁决遭到了民主党主席提名的五名法官的异议,缩小了《投票权法》在南部重新划分选区案件的范围,影响到得克萨斯州、路易斯安那州和密西西比州。 The ruling, which was met with dissent from five judges nominated by Democratic presidents, narrowed the scope of the Voting Rights Act for redistricting cases in the South, affecting Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. 该决定推翻了先前的一个先例,即允许多个少数群体共同挑战重新划分根据《表决权法》据称具有歧视性的计划。 The decision reverses a previous precedent that allowed multiple minority groups to join together in challenges to redistricting plans alleged to be discriminatory under the Voting Rights Act. 批评者认为,多数人的决定有效地破坏了《投票权法》在巡回中的效力,使四十年的先例遭到破坏。 Critics argue that the majority's decision effectively dismantles the effectiveness of the Voting Rights Act in the circuit, leaving four decades of precedent undermined.