证交会指控IRL创始人亚伯拉罕·沙菲(Abraham Shafi)诈骗涉嫌误导投资者和将筹得的资金用作个人开支。 SEC charges Abraham Shafi, founder of IRL, with fraud over allegedly misleading investors and using raised funds for personal expenses.
美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 指控社交媒体应用程序IRL创始人Abraham Shafi欺诈, 涉嫌误导投资者对平台的增长, 并使用筹集的1.7亿美元用于个人开支. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charges Abraham Shafi, founder of social media app IRL, with fraud for allegedly misleading investors about platform's growth and using $170M raised to fund personal expenses. IRL声称拥有12M用户,拥有95%的机器人用户基础,导致其关闭。 IRL, which claimed 12M users, had a 95% bot user base, leading to its shutdown. Shafi被控低报营销成本,并利用第三方中间人支付广告费。 Shafi is accused of underreporting marketing costs and using third-party intermediaries to pay for ads. Shafi若获成功,将面临罚款,并被禁止增加投资。 If successful, Shafi could face a fine and be banned from investment raising.