新西兰执行了44项清真寺袭击建议中的36项,制定了第一项国家安全战略,并设立了火器安全局。 New Zealand implements 36 of 44 mosque attack recommendations, creates first National Security Strategy, and establishes Firearms Safety Authority.
新西兰政府完成了对2019年克赖斯特彻奇清真寺恐怖袭击的跨政府反应,执行了皇家委员会报告中44项建议中的36项建议,但其余8项建议没有取得进展。 New Zealand's government has concluded its cross-government response to the 2019 Christchurch mosque terror attack, implementing 36 of 44 recommendations from the Royal Commission report, while not progressing the remaining eight. 政府进行了重大变革,包括制定新西兰首个国家安全战略和设立火器安全管理局。 The government has made significant changes, including the creation of New Zealand's first National Security Strategy and the establishment of the Firearms Safety Authority. 部长马特·杜西(Matt Doocey)将担任政府与受影响社区的联络人,政府正在考虑建立一个纪念碑以纪念受害者。 Minister Matt Doocey will act as the government's point of contact for the affected community, and the government is considering establishing a memorial to honor the victims.