阿布扎比警察和ADNOC分发公司在12个地点免费进行夏季汽车检查,以保障司机和道路使用者的安全。 Abu Dhabi Police and ADNOC Distribution launch free summer car inspections at 12 locations for driver and road user safety.
阿布扎比警察和ADNOC分发公司发起了一项联合倡议,在12个地点提供免费的夏季汽车检查。 Abu Dhabi Police and ADNOC Distribution start a joint initiative offering free summer car inspections at 12 locations. 其目的是确保司机和道路使用者在具有挑战性的夏季条件下的安全。 The aim is to ensure safety for drivers and road users during challenging summer conditions. 检查范围包括发动机油、刹车油、冷却剂和空气过滤器等基本部件。 Inspections cover essential components like engine oil, brake fluid, coolant, and air filters.