新西兰卫生部停止在非紧急外科等待名单中按族裔确定优先事项。 New Zealand's Health NZ discontinued ethnicity-based prioritization in non-urgent surgical waitlists.
新西兰卫生部(NZ)停止使用股权调整器工具, New Zealand's Health NZ discontinued using an equity adjustor tool that prioritized ethnicity among five factors in non-urgent surgical waitlists due to it not following "best practice." 该工具还考虑了临床优先性、等待名单上的时间、地理位置和贫困程度等因素。 The tool also considered factors like clinical priority, time on waitlist, geographic location, and deprivation level. 该决定是在审查后作出的,审查显示效益没有结论,要求改进数据质量,与最佳做法保持一致。 The decision comes after a review that revealed benefits were inconclusive and called for improvements in data quality and alignment with best practices.