造成新西兰电力停电的原因是奥姆克索姆不适当的赛昂维修,导致Transpower道歉,并保证改进措施和监督。 New Zealand power outage caused by Omexom's improper pylon maintenance, leading to Transpower's apology and pledge for improved measures and oversight.
对新西兰北部地区一座电金塔倒塌的调查显示,该铁塔的倒塌是由于服务供应商Omexom进行的维修工作不当造成的。 An investigation into the collapse of a power pylon in New Zealand's Northland region revealed that the pylon fell due to improper maintenance work conducted by service provider Omexom. 该公司的船员没有遵循标准做法,从塔的四条腿中的三条腿中取出所有坚果。 The company's crew did not follow standard practice and removed all nuts from three of the tower's four legs. 结果,负责输电线路的公司Transpower为停电道歉,并保证改进措施,防止今后发生类似事件。 As a result, Transpower, the company responsible for the transmission lines, has apologized for the power outage and pledged to improve measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. 该公司还承认,有必要加强对服务提供者工作的监督,以确保船员的恰当做法和能力。 The company has also acknowledged the need for stronger oversight of service provider work to ensure proper practices and competencies in their crews.