澳大利亚广告理事会成为坎恩狮子国际创意节的正式代表。 Advertising Council Australia becomes official representative for Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
澳大利亚广告理事会(澳大利广告理事会)现为坎恩狮子国际创作艺术节的正式地方代表。 Advertising Council Australia (ACA) is now the official local representative for Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. 协会将支持机构和客户,提名陪审团成员,组织青年狮子比赛,并全年主办活动。 ACA will support agencies and clients, nominate jury members, organize the Young Lions competition, and host events throughout the year. 该伙伴关系旨在为广告方面的创造性卓越和创新设定基准,合作推展澳大利亚市场创造性营销的界限。 The partnership aims to set benchmarks for creative excellence and innovation in advertising, collaborating to push the boundaries of creative marketing in the Australian market.