纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔拨款 5400 万美元继续延伸曼哈顿第二大道地铁。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul allocates $54M to continue Second Avenue subway extension in Manhattan.
纽约州长凯西·霍楚尔已拨款 5400 万美元继续建设曼哈顿第二大道地铁延长线。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has allocated $54 million to continue the Second Avenue subway extension in Manhattan. 该项目旨在为东哈莱姆区提供更好的交通连接,但在霍楚尔叫停交通拥堵收费计划后,该项目陷入停滞。 The project, which aims to provide better transit access to East Harlem, had been stalled after Hochul halted the congestion pricing program. 地铁线路一期于 2017 年开通,预计延长线将惠及每天数百万乘客。 The first phase of the subway line opened in 2017 and the extension is expected to benefit millions of daily riders.