美国家庭平均 30% 的户外用水量促使房主用本地植物重新改造庭院,打造环保的景观。 30% of average American family's water consumption for outdoor use drives homeowners to re-wild yards with native plants for environmentally conscious landscaping.
越来越多的房主开始用本地植物重新装饰他们的院子,减少草坪维护并促进可持续的生态系统。 Homeowners are increasingly re-wilding their yards with native plants, decreasing lawn maintenance and encouraging sustainable ecosystems. 这种转变是由于人们对环境的担忧和不断上涨的公用事业成本所致。 This shift is driven by concerns for the environment and rising utility costs. 因此,美国家庭平均 30% 的用水用于户外,在缺水地区这一数字会上升到 60%。 As a result, 30% of the average American family's water consumption is for outdoor use, which can increase to 60% in water-scarce regions. 这一趋势反映出房主对环保景观的偏好日益增长。 This trend reflects homeowners' growing preference for environmentally conscious landscaping.