也门内战停战后,也门航空恢复了飞往埃及和印度的商业航班。 Yemenia Airways resumed commercial flights to Egypt and India after Yemeni civil war truce.
也门内战停战后,也门航空公司恢复了从萨那飞往埃及和印度的商业航班。 Yemenia Airways has restarted commercial flights from Sanaa to Egypt and India following a truce in the Yemeni civil war. 根据也门交战各方达成的协议,也门航空将开通每日飞往埃及和每周飞往印度两趟的航班,自 2016 年底以来,萨那与开罗之间的航班暂停。 Daily flights to Egypt and twice-weekly flights to India were announced as part of an agreement between Yemen's warring factions, with services between Sanaa and Cairo suspended since late 2016. 也门内战于 2014 年爆发,双方是胡塞武装与沙特阿拉伯支持的国际公认政府。 The Yemeni civil war began in 2014 between Houthi militants and the internationally recognized government backed by Saudi Arabia.