在 Brush Creek 发现一具男子尸体,死因不明,正在调查中。 Man's body found in Brush Creek, cause of death unclear, ongoing investigation.
周一晚上,在堪萨斯城伊曼纽尔克利弗二世大道和克利夫兰附近的布拉什溪发现了一具男尸。 A man's body was discovered in Brush Creek near Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard and Cleveland in Kansas City on Monday evening. 消防员将他从水中拉出,开始进行心肺复苏,并紧急送往医院,随后被宣布死亡。 Firefighters pulled him from the water, began CPR, and rushed him to the hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. 目前还不清楚是医疗紧急情况导致该男子来到小溪,还是小溪本身导致了他的医疗紧急情况。 It remains unclear whether a medical emergency led the man to the creek or if the creek itself caused his medical emergency. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.