女医师提倡在医学界尊称“医生”。 Female physician advocates for respectful addressing as "Doctor" in medical profession.
女医生分享了她对正确头衔称呼的看法:作为一名拥有近 20 年经验的女医生,患者、住院医生和研究员一直称呼我为“姓医生”。 Female physician shares her perspective on being addressed by proper title: As a female physician with nearly 20 years of experience, I have consistently been addressed as "Dr. Last Name" by patients, residents, and fellows. 当人们称呼女医生时没有使用正确的头衔时,我感到很沮丧,甚至可能存在性别歧视。 I find it frustrating and possibly sexist when female physicians are more likely to be addressed without their proper title. 女医生应受到尊重并被尊称为“医生”。 Female physicians should be respected and addressed as "Doctor."