CPKC 列车在萨斯喀彻温省古尔湖附近部分出轨,阻塞了主要路线并造成交通中断。 CPKC train partially derailed near Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, blocking the main route and causing traffic disruptions.
一列 CPKC 列车在萨斯喀彻温省古尔湖附近部分脱轨,阻塞了主要路线并造成交通中断。 A CPKC train partially derailed near Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, blocking the main route and causing traffic disruptions. 脱轨事故发生在该镇以东约 1.5 公里处,加拿大横贯高速公路的入口和出口已被封锁。 The derailment occurred approximately 1.5 km east of the town, with the Trans-Canada Highway entrance and exit blocked. 斯威夫特卡伦特乡村皇家骑警报告称,没有危险品泄漏或人员伤亡,预计清理铁路道口将需要几个小时。 Swift Current Rural RCMP reported no dangerous goods spilled or injuries, while clearing the railroad crossing is anticipated to take several hours. 古尔湖卡车绕行路仍保持开放并可通行。 The Gull Lake Truck Bypass remains open and passable.