拥有戏剧经验的阿米尔·汗儿子朱奈德·汗将于9月1日登陆国家大剧院。 Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan, with theatre experience, performs at NCPA on September 1st.
阿米尔汗的儿子朱奈德汗,近日在电影《玛哈拉吉》中初露锋芒,将于9月1日登陆国家大剧院剧场。 Aamir Khan's son, Junaid Khan, who recently made an impressive debut in the film 'Maharaj', will be performing at the NCPA theatre on September 1st. 朱奈德在戏剧方面拥有七年的丰富经验,基础深厚。尽管日程繁忙,他仍将展现自己对戏剧事业的执着。 Junaid, who has a strong foundation in theatre with seven years of experience, will be demonstrating his dedication to his craft despite his busy schedule. 虽然他在国家大剧院的演出细节尚未公布,但对于他的粉丝来说,这将是一场必看的演出。 The details of his NCPA performance are still forthcoming, but it's promised to be a must-watch for all his fans.