24 岁的莎拉·鲍威尔自称是一家酒吧老板的妹妹,因在飓风蒂娜期间因拒绝提供服务而殴打 97 岁的贝蒂·凯而被捕 24-year-old Sarah Powell, claiming to be a bar owner's sister, was arrested for allegedly punching 97-year-old Betty Kai due to refusal of service at Hurricane Tina'
24 岁的莎拉·鲍威尔 (Sarah Powell) 自称是一家酒吧老板的妹妹,因涉嫌在圣卡洛斯岛飓风蒂娜酒吧殴打 97 岁的贝蒂·凯而被捕。 24-year-old Sarah Powell, claiming to be a bar owner's sister, was arrested for allegedly punching 97-year-old Betty Kai at Hurricane Tina's Bar on San Carlos Island. 由于处于醉酒状态,凯拒绝给鲍威尔提供酒水。 Kai refused to serve Powell alcohol due to her intoxicated state. 鲍威尔面临向执法人员提供虚假姓名、殴打 65 岁或以上人士、殴打执法人员以及非暴力抵抗警察的指控。 Powell faces charges of false name given to law enforcement, battery on a person 65 years or older, battery on law enforcement, and resisting an officer without violence.