盐湖城恩赛金峰发生山火,导致 40 户家庭撤离,无线电塔和纪念碑受到威胁。 40 homes evacuated due to wildfire on Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City, threatening radio towers and monuments.
盐湖城恩萨金峰发生山火,导致桑赫斯特大道 40 户家庭强制撤离,无线电塔和纪念碑受到威胁。 A wildfire on Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City has sparked mandatory evacuations for 40 homes on Sandhurst Drive, threatening radio towers and monuments. 消防队、直升机和 100 多名消防员正在扑灭大火,大火已烧毁超过 10 英亩的土地,并受到强风的推动。 Fire crews, helicopters, and over 100 firefighters are battling the blaze, which has burned over 10 acres and is being driven by strong winds. 火灾原因尚不清楚,为了消防员和公共安全,请公众避开该地区。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and the public is asked to avoid the area for firefighter and public safety.