谢尔比县地方检察官办公室寻求转移 I-240 枪击案的未成年嫌疑人,该枪击案涉及一个五口之家,导致其被控 7 项一级谋杀未遂罪和 4 项劫车罪。 Shelby County DA's office seeks transfer of juvenile suspect in I-240 shooting involving a family of five, leading to 7 counts of attempted first-degree murder and 4 counts of carjacking.
谢尔比县地方检察官办公室寻求转移 I-240 枪击案的未成年嫌疑人,该枪击案涉及一个五口之家,造成该案被控 7 项一级谋杀未遂罪、4 项劫车罪和其他罪名。 Shelby County DA's office seeks transfer of juvenile suspect in I-240 shooting involving a family of five, resulting in 7 counts of attempted first-degree murder, 4 counts of carjacking, and other charges. 枪击事件发生在 6 月 11 日,当时一辆被盗的灰色 SUV 拦住了一家人的车。 The shooting occurred on June 11 after a family's car was blocked by a stolen gray SUV. 两名少年面临指控,保释金为 100 万美元。 Two juveniles are facing charges and held on $1 million bonds.