制药公司 Servier Hungary 荣获匈牙利最佳工作场所认证。 Servier Hungary, a pharmaceutical firm, receives Best Place to Work Certification in Hungary.
顶级制药公司 Servier Hungary 首次参与该活动便荣获匈牙利最佳工作场所认证。 Servier Hungary, a top pharmaceutical firm, has been awarded the Best Place to Work Certification in Hungary for its first participation. 该认可基于员工调查以及对工作场所政策、实践和人口统计的评估。 The recognition is based on employee surveys and an evaluation of workplace policies, practices, and demographics. 施维雅匈牙利公司因其较高的员工满意度、创新的福利以及对员工发展和福利的奉献而获得这一殊荣。 Servier Hungary received the accolade for its high employee satisfaction, innovative benefits, and dedication to employee development and well-being.