橄榄油作为一种预防宿醉的方法受到关注,但并没有科学依据。 Olive oil as a hangover prevention method gains attention without scientific backing.
人们对酒精宿醉疗法的探索由来已久,市场上有许多疗法,但缺乏科学证据。 The search for alcohol hangover cures is ancient, with many remedies sold, but lacking scientific evidence. 最近,喝酒前喝一杯橄榄油可以防止宿醉的想法引起了人们的关注。 Recently, the idea of taking a shot of olive oil before drinking alcohol to prevent hangovers has gained attention. 然而,这种说法缺乏科学依据,应持怀疑态度。 However, this claim lacks scientific backing and should be approached with skepticism.