新不伦瑞克省教师协会对各政党的教育投资、保留和政策进行调查。 New Brunswick Teachers' Association surveys political parties on educational investment, retention, and policies.
新不伦瑞克省教师协会(NBTA)向各省政党发出了调查问卷,询问有关教育投资、教师保留和政策决策的问题。 The New Brunswick Teachers' Association (NBTA) sent surveys to provincial political parties, asking about educational investment, teacher retention, and policy decisions. 结果将在学年开始前公开,并帮助教师和选民评估各党派是否符合教育需求。 Results will be shared publicly before the school year and help teachers and voters evaluate parties' alignment with education needs. NBTA 旨在寻求有关政党纲领的具体答案,并强调教师参与的重要性。 NBTA aims for concrete answers about party platforms and emphasizes the importance of teacher involvement.