7 月 16 日晚上 7 点 15 分,在新西兰汉密尔顿的费尔菲尔德郊区,发生了一起肇事逃逸事件,一名女子被一辆载有该女子的汽车撞倒,而该车的司机也认识这辆车。 16 July, in Hamilton, New Zealand, a hit-and-run incident involved a woman hit by a car, transported by the same vehicle, known to the driver, in Fairfield suburb at 7:15 PM.
新西兰汉密尔顿警方正在调查一起肇事逃逸事件,一名女子被一辆汽车撞倒,并被同一辆车运离现场。 Police in Hamilton, New Zealand, are investigating a hit-and-run incident where a woman was hit by a car and transported from the scene in the same vehicle. 事件于 7 月 16 日晚上 7 点 15 分发生在费尔菲尔德郊区。 The incident occurred on 16 July in the Fairfield suburb at 7:15 PM. 受害者是肇事马自达 6 轿车司机认识的,目前在怀卡托医院,情况稳定。 The victim is known to the driver of the Mazda 6 sedan involved and is in stable condition at Waikato Hospital.