人权观察报告称,哈马斯领导的武装分子在10月7日袭击以色列南部时犯下了战争罪和危害人类罪。 Human Rights Watch reports that Hamas-led militants committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel.
全球人权组织人权观察报告称,哈马斯领导的武装分子在10月7日对以色列南部的袭击中犯下了战争罪,从而引发了加沙冲突。 Global rights group Human Rights Watch reports that Hamas-led militants committed war crimes during the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, which triggered the Gaza conflict. 武装分子杀害了约 1,200 人,绑架了 250 多人,符合国际法对危害人类罪和战争罪的定义。 The militants killed around 1,200 people and kidnapped over 250, meeting the international legal definition for crimes against humanity and war crimes.