前中央情报局官员苏美特里被指控为韩国充当秘密特工。 Former CIA official Sue Mi Terry charged with acting as a secret agent for South Korea.
前中央情报局官员苏美特里被指控为韩国秘密特工。 Former CIA official Sue Mi Terry charged with being a secret agent for South Korea. 特里收受了奢侈品和昂贵的晚餐,作为交换,他在媒体露面时支持韩国政府的立场,与情报人员分享非公开信息,并促成美国和韩国政府官员之间的会面。 Terry accepted luxury goods and expensive dinners in exchange for advocating South Korean government positions during media appearances, sharing nonpublic information with intelligence officers, and facilitating meetings between US and South Korean government officials.