在高等法院决定恢复退伍军人后代在政府职位中的 30% 配额后,亲政府和反对配额的学生团体在孟加拉国的贾汉吉尔纳加尔大学发生冲突。 Pro-government and anti-quota student groups clashed at Jahangir Nagar University in Bangladesh, following the High Court's decision to restore a 30% quota for veterans' descendants in government jobs.
孟加拉国亲政府和反对配额的学生团体之间发生暴力冲突,导致达卡郊外萨瓦尔的贾汉吉尔纳加尔大学数十人受伤。 Violent clashes erupted between pro-government and anti-quota student groups in Bangladesh, leaving dozens injured at Jahangir Nagar University in Savar, outside Dhaka. 抗议活动的起因是高等法院决定恢复退伍军人后代在政府职位中 30% 的配额,该制度还为残疾人、少数民族和妇女保留了职位。 The protests were sparked by the High Court's decision to restore the 30% quota for veterans' descendants in government jobs, a system that also reserves positions for disabled people, ethnic minority groups, and women.