26 岁的宝马 M5 司机涉嫌吸食可卡因,在悉尼 Anzac 大桥上以 134 公里/小时的速度超速行驶,面临吊销驾照、罚款、扣分和 26-year-old BMW M5 driver, allegedly on cocaine, caught speeding at 134km/h on Sydney's Anzac Bridge, faces license suspension, fine, demerit points, and
一名 26 岁的宝马 M5 司机涉嫌吸食可卡因,在悉尼澳新军团大桥上以 134 公里/小时的超速行驶。 26-year-old BMW M5 driver allegedly on cocaine caught speeding at 134km/h on Sydney's Anzac Bridge. 新南威尔士州男子面临吊销驾照六个月、罚款 2959 美元、扣六分以及没收汽车牌照三个月的处罚。 New South Wales man faces six-month license suspension, $2959 fine, and six demerit points, as well as three-month confiscation of his car's registration plates. 据称,司机在路边测试中被检测出可卡因呈阳性,现已被捕,正在等待第二次测试的结果。 The driver allegedly tested positive for cocaine in a roadside test and was arrested, awaiting results of a second test.