圣地亚哥县警长使用缉毒犬加强监狱安检,以防止毒品和违禁品进入监狱。 San Diego County Sheriff implements enhanced jail screening with drug-sniffing dogs to prevent drug and contraband access.
圣地亚哥县警长凯利·马丁内斯宣布加强监狱检查,以防止该县拘留中心出现非法毒品和违禁品。 San Diego County Sheriff Kelly Martinez announced intensified jail screening to prevent illicit drugs and contraband in the county's detention centers. 新政策包括对所有监狱工作人员、承包商以及在县监狱有业务的人员进行搜查,并使用缉毒犬进行搜查。 The new policy includes searches for all jail workers, contractors, and those with business in the county lockups, with drug-sniffing service dogs involved. 这一改变早已得到圣地亚哥公民执法审查委员会的建议,旨在防止吸毒过量、挽救生命、并使家庭免受毒品相关事件的侵害。 The change has long been recommended by the San Diego Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board, aiming to prevent overdoses, save lives, and spare families from drug-related incidents.