卑诗省民事解决法庭裁定白石男子败诉,要求赔偿 72,000 美元,以弥补分层建筑振动造成的损失,但法庭裁定该男子并未违反《分层财产法》。 BC Civil Resolution Tribunal rules against White Rock man seeking $72K damages for strata building vibrations, finding no violation of the Strata Property Act.
白石男子因建筑分层振动索赔 72,000 美元败诉;B.C. White Rock man loses bid for $72K damages over strata building vibrations; B.C. 民事解决法庭裁定支持分层住宅,称其符合《分层财产法》和附则。 Civil Resolution Tribunal rules in favour of strata, stating it complied with Strata Property Act and bylaws. 前租户克里斯托弗·康拉德 (Christopher Konrad) 声称物业管理部门未能调查振动问题,并要求赔偿物业和公共财产的使用和享用损失。 Former tenant Christopher Konrad claimed the strata failed to investigate vibrations and sought damages for loss of use and enjoyment of the strata lot and common property. 仲裁庭还判决康拉德赔偿 500 美元,以补偿其在会议地点方面的不公平行为。 The tribunal also awarded Konrad $500 for unfair conduct related to meeting location.