印度孟买和阿萨姆邦的季风雨引发洪水、山体滑坡和交通混乱。 Monsoon rains in Mumbai and Assam, India caused flooding, landslides, and transport chaos.
印度季风强降雨导致孟买和阿萨姆邦严重受灾,严重的洪水、山体滑坡和交通混乱影响了日常生活。 Heavy monsoon rains caused significant disruptions in Mumbai and Assam, India, with heavy flooding, landslides and transport chaos affecting daily life. 印度金融中心孟买因道路被淹和火车中断而面临通勤和商业运营的挑战,而阿萨姆邦则面临流离失所者大量涌入和农作物受损的困境。 Mumbai, India's financial hub, experienced challenges in commuting and business operations due to flooded roads and train disruptions, while Assam faced an influx of displaced people and damage to crops. 极端天气事件的发生是由于气候变化,导致山洪暴发更加频繁。 The extreme weather events are attributed to the changing climate, leading to more frequent flash floods.