一名 41 岁的马凯特男子在密歇根州德里镇因闯入 Planet Fitness 健身房储物柜、偷窃物品和欺诈性使用信用卡而被捕。 41-year-old Marquette man arrested in Delhi Township, MI, for breaking into Planet Fitness gym lockers, stealing items, and fraudulent credit card use.
41 岁的马凯特男子因闯入密歇根州德里镇一家 Planet Fitness 健身房的储物柜并盗窃个人物品而被捕。 41-year-old Marquette man arrested for breaking into lockers at a Planet Fitness gym in Delhi Township, MI, and stealing personal items. 受害者报告称锁被剪断以及信用卡被盗用。 Victims reported cut locks and fraudulent credit card use. 警察发现他身上有赃物,他面临建筑内盗窃和非法使用金融交易设备的指控。 Found by deputies with stolen property, he faces charges of larceny in a building and illegal use of a financial transaction device. 英厄姆县警长办公室以案例推动金融账户监控。 Ingham County Sheriff's Officer uses case to promote financial account monitoring.