27 岁的女演员玛丽莎·阿贝拉 (Marisa Abela) 因饰演艾米·怀恩豪斯 (Amy Winehouse) 而闻名,她与西区演员杰米·博吉奥 (Jamie Bogyo) 在 Primrose Hill 订婚。 27-year-old actress Marisa Abela, known for playing Amy Winehouse, is engaged to West End actor Jamie Bogyo at Primrose Hill.
27 岁的女演员玛丽莎·阿贝拉 (Marisa Abela) 因在传记片《回到黑暗》和《工业》中饰演艾米·怀恩豪斯而闻名,她与相恋四年的男友、西区演员杰米·博吉奥订婚。 27-year-old actress Marisa Abela, known for playing Amy Winehouse in biopic "Back to Black" and "Industry", is engaged to her boyfriend of four years, West End actor Jamie Bogyo. 他们在那个假期周末于怀恩豪斯最喜欢的地方 Primrose Hill 举行了浪漫的求婚仪式并订婚。 They got engaged over the holiday weekend with a romantic proposal at Primrose Hill, a favorite spot of Winehouse. 这对夫妇在网上分享了他们的兴奋之情,并受到亲朋好友举办的庆祝活动的惊喜。 The couple shared their excitement online and were surprised by a celebration hosted by friends and family.