Echidna 时事通讯重点介绍英国和澳大利亚民主国家的和平权力交接。 Echidna newsletter highlights peaceful power transfer in British and Australian democracies.
《Echidna》时事通讯庆祝了英国和澳大利亚和平移交权力的民主进程,让公民提醒民选官员,他们是租用唐宁街官邸或唐宁街的,而不是拥有它的。 The Echidna newsletter celebrates the British and Australian democratic process of peacefully transferring power, allowing citizens to remind elected officials that they lease the Lodge or Downing Street, not own it. 时事通讯重点介绍了一个令人耳目一新的景象:搬运工拿走了即将离任的领导人的物品,而这位领导人却被禁止进入豪华轿车的座位,车门由他的随从打开。 The newsletter highlights the refreshing sight of a removalist taking away the belongings of the outgoing leader, who is denied access to the luxurious limo seats with doors opened by flunkies.