Ola 创始人批评印度的数据出口是“技术殖民主义”,主张国内技术投资和数据主权。 Ola founder criticizes India's data export as "techno-colonialism", advocating for domestic tech investment and data sovereignty.
Ola 创始人兼首席执行官 Bhavish Aggarwal 将印度数据出口到全球数据中心,然后在全球数据中心进行处理并卖回印度的行为称为“技术殖民主义”。 Ola founder and CEO Bhavish Aggarwal calls the export of India's data to global data centers, where it is processed and sold back to India, "techno-colonialism." 他认为,这种做法使外国科技巨头受益,类似于历史上对印度资源的开发。 This practice, he argues, benefits foreign tech giants and is akin to historical exploitation of Indian resources. 阿加瓦尔认为,印度产生了全球 20% 的数字数据,应该投资国内技术和平台,以促进数据主权并保护数据创建者的权利。 India, which generates 20% of the world's digital data, should invest in domestic technology and platforms to promote data sovereignty and protect data creators' rights, Aggarwal believes.