随着新车价格下降和负担能力提高,汽车行业从供应链问题中复苏。 Automotive industry recovers from supply chain issues as new car prices decline and affordability improves.
随着汽车库存增加,新车价格下降,购买力增强,汽车行业从供应链问题中复苏。 Automotive industry recovers from supply chain issues as new car prices decline and affordability improves, driven by increased vehicle inventory. 制造商和经销商提供奖励和回扣来清理供应,从而为消费者创造更好的购买环境。 Manufacturers and dealerships offer incentives and rebates to clear supply, resulting in a better buying environment for consumers. 市场可能还需要一年时间才能完全恢复正常,但现在对于潜在买家来说,是一个研究车型、货比三家、与经销商协商以获得新车和二手车更好交易的好时机。 The market may not fully normalize for another year, but now is a good time for potential buyers to research vehicle models, shop around for the best deals, and negotiate with dealerships for better deals on both new and used cars.