英国首相里希·苏纳克在保守党选举失败后辞职;工党的基尔·斯塔默寻求批准组建新政府。 UK PM Rishi Sunak resigns after Conservative Party's election loss; Labour's Keir Starmer seeks approval to form new government.
英国首相里希·苏纳克因其领导的保守党在大选中失败而辞职。 UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has stepped down after his Conservative Party's defeat in the general election. 苏纳克承认选民的变革呼声,承担了保守党失败的责任,并向保守党候选人和竞选活动人士道歉。 Sunak acknowledged the voters' call for change, took responsibility for the party's loss, and apologized to Conservative candidates and campaigners.