7 月 4 日是美国《独立宣言》发表 248 周年,在当前事件的背景下,人们对其建国原则提出了质疑。 4th of July celebrates 248 years of US Declaration of Independence, raising questions about its founding principles amid current events.
7 月 4 日是美国《独立宣言》发表第 248 周年,这提醒我们它的核心原则:人人生而平等,享有不可剥夺的生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。 4th of July marks the 248th celebration of the US Declaration of Independence, reminding us of its core principles: all men are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 11年后签署的美国宪法也秉持这些价值观,旨在建立更加完美的联邦,确立正义,保障国内安宁。 The US Constitution, signed 11 years later, shares these values and aims to form a more perfect union, establishing justice and securing domestic tranquility. 然而,一些人认为特朗普应该退出,这引发了人们对这些创始原则现状的质疑。 However, some argue that Trump should withdraw, raising questions about the current state of these founding principles.