信息和广播副部长穆罕默德·阿里·阿拉法特呼吁电影界和民间社会打击错误信息,并揭穿有关总理谢赫·哈西娜访问印度期间签署的谅解备忘录的虚假声明。 State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Mohammad Ali Arafat appeals to the film industry and civil society to combat misinformation and debunk false claims about MoUs signed during PM Sheikh Hasina's India visit.
信息和广播副部长穆罕默德·阿里·阿拉法特呼吁电影业和民间社会打击针对政府的错误信息和谎言。 State Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Mohammad Ali Arafat, urges the film industry and civil society to fight against misinformation and falsehoods against the government. 阿拉法特驳斥了有关印度总理谢赫·哈西娜访问印度期间签署的谅解备忘录的虚假说法,称其旨在改善区域连通性和清洁能源进口。 Arafat debunks false claims about MoUs signed during PM Sheikh Hasina's India visit, stating they aim to improve regional connectivity and clean energy imports. 阿拉法特还讨论了政府对电影产业的补助,强调质量重于数量。 Arafat also discusses the government's film industry grants, emphasizing quality over quantity.