弗吉尼亚州参议员马克·沃纳召集民主党参议员讨论拜登在辩论表现不佳和健康状况不佳后的连任之路。 Virginia Senator Mark Warner convenes Democratic senators to discuss Biden's reelection path after poor debate performance and health concerns.
由于拜登总统的辩论表现不佳且健康状况令人担忧,弗吉尼亚州参议员马克·沃纳 (Mark Warner) 正试图于下周召集民主党参议员讨论拜登总统连任竞选的前进道路。 Virginia Senator Mark Warner is attempting to convene Democratic senators next week to discuss a path forward for President Biden's reelection campaign after his poor debate performance and concerns about his health. 华纳的外联努力反映出一些民主党参议员对拜登的生存能力日益增长的恐慌,以及他们对总统及其团队在解决这些问题上缺乏沟通的沮丧。 Warner's outreach efforts reflect growing panic among some Democratic senators about Biden's viability and their frustration with the lack of communication from the president and his team about addressing these concerns.