加纳东部地区出现新型黑蚊,影响 300 人,促使地区行政长官寻求加纳卫生服务部门的帮助。 New breed of black mosquitoes in Ghana's Eastern Region affects 300 and prompts District Chief Executives to seek Ghana Health Service help.
加纳面临着一个紧迫的问题:一种新型蚊子在其东部地区造成四个地区患病,至少 300 人受到影响。 Ghana faces an urgent issue with a new breed of mosquitoes causing illness in four districts in its Eastern Region, affecting at least 300 people. 这种体型庞大的黑色蚊子通常在可可农场发现,这促使地区首席执行官向加纳卫生服务部门寻求帮助。 The large, black mosquitoes, typically found in cocoa farms, have prompted District Chief Executives to call on the Ghana Health Service for help. 建议公众采取现有的预防措施,例如使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐和驱虫剂,如果被咬伤应寻求医疗救治。 The public is advised to follow existing precautions, such as using insecticide-treated mosquito nets and repellents, and seeking medical care if bitten.