2006 年佛罗里达州大陪审团关于爱泼斯坦性交易和强奸指控的记录由一名法官公布。 2006 Florida grand jury transcripts on Epstein's sex trafficking and rape allegations released by a judge.
佛罗里达州一名法官公布了 2006 年大陪审团对已故百万富翁和金融家杰弗里·爱泼斯坦 (Jeffrey Epstein) 的性交易和强奸指控调查的记录。 A Florida judge has released transcripts from a 2006 grand jury investigation into sex trafficking and rape allegations against Jeffrey Epstein, the late millionaire and financier. 法官公布约 150 页文件是出乎意料的,因为他原计划下周就此事举行听证会。 The judge's release of approximately 150 pages was unexpected, as he had scheduled a hearing for next week on the matter. 州长 Gov. 罗恩·德桑蒂斯 (Ron DeSantis) 于二月份签署了一项法案,允许在周一或巡回法官路易斯·德尔加多 (Luis Delgado) 下令的任何时间释放囚犯。 Ron DeSantis signed a bill in February allowing the release on Monday or any time thereafter that Circuit Judge Luis Delgado ordered. 法官称爱泼斯坦是“美国历史上最臭名昭著的恋童癖者”。 The judge labeled Epstein the "most infamous pedophile in American history."