悉尼大学的科学家出于保护目的对澳大利亚兔耳袋狸的基因组进行了测序。 Scientists at the University of Sydney sequenced the Australian bilby's genome for conservation purposes.
悉尼大学的科学家首次对澳大利亚兔耳袋狸的基因组进行了测序,为保护这一濒危物种提供了宝贵的数据。 Scientists at the University of Sydney sequenced the Australian bilby's genome for the first time, providing valuable data for the conservation of the threatened species. 兔耳袋狸,被称为“澳大利亚复活节兔子”,是一种夜行杂食动物,在澳大利亚沙漠生态系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。 The bilby, known as the "Australian Easter bunny," is a nocturnal omnivore and plays a crucial role in Australia's desert ecosystems. 新获得的基因蓝图将有助于研究人员了解该物种的生物适应性和进化历史,最终有助于保护兔耳袋狸的未来。 The newly acquired genetic blueprint will aid researchers in understanding the species' biological adaptations and evolutionary history, ultimately assisting in preserving the bilby's future.