45 岁男子阿马德奥·加西亚·德莱昂 (Amadeo Garcia De Leon) 因身穿内衣时行为反常而被圣安东尼奥警方拘捕,随后在拘留期间死亡。 45-year-old man, Amadeo Garcia De Leon, died in police custody in San Antonio after being arrested for erratic behavior in underwear.
据报道,45 岁男子阿马迪奥·达尼斯·加西亚·德莱昂 (Amadeo Danis Garcia De Leon) 行为反常,因身穿内衣在商店里乱跑而被圣安东尼奥警方拘留,随后在拘留期间死亡。 45-year-old man, Amadeo Danis Garcia De Leon, reportedly acting erratically, died in police custody in San Antonio after being detained by officers for running around a store in his underwear. 一名警官给他戴上手铐,在他的身体失去知觉后,警官取下手铐并采取了救生措施,包括注射纳洛酮。 An officer placed him in handcuffs, and after his body went limp, the officer removed the handcuffs and performed life-saving measures, including administering NARCAN. 急救人员赶到现场并继续进行抢救,但他在现场被宣布死亡。 EMS arrived and continued the life-saving efforts, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.