66 岁的卡尔·库珀 (Carl Cooper) 被判谋杀前伴侣娜奥米·亨特 (Naomi Hunte) 和菲奥娜·霍尔姆 (Fiona Holm) 罪名成立。 66-year-old Carl Cooper found guilty of murdering former partners Naomi Hunte and Fiona Holm.
66 岁的卡尔·库珀 (Carl Cooper) 因谋杀其前伴侣娜奥米·亨特 (Naomi Hunte) 和菲奥娜·霍尔姆 (Fiona Holm) 而被判有罪,此前这两名女性都向警方举报了他的暴力行为。 66-year-old Carl Cooper has been found guilty of murdering his former partners, Naomi Hunte and Fiona Holm, after both women had reported his violent behaviour to police. 库珀曾与亨特和霍尔姆有过一段恋情,亨特于 2022 年被发现遭刺死,而霍尔姆的尸体至今仍未找到。 Cooper was in a relationship with Hunte, who was found stabbed to death in 2022, and Holm, whose body has never been found. 伍利奇刑事法庭的陪审团一致判定库珀犯有两起谋杀罪。 A jury at Woolwich Crown Court unanimously convicted Cooper of both murders.